Eastpoint donates to Walk the Walk
We supported Andrea Smith, new Executive Director for Procurement at YPO, with £100 for ‘Walk the Walk’, a charity raising awareness for breast and other cancers.
We supported Andrea Smith, new Executive Director for Procurement at YPO, with £100 for ‘Walk the Walk’, a charity raising awareness for breast and other cancers.
We are proudly donating to Climb of Life’s event, supporting Bruce Davie and others in raising funds for vital cancer research by the ICR.
In September 2023, YPO team members abseiled down Ilkley Cow and Calf for NSPCC, raising over £2000, including a £100 donation supporting Daniel Holt.
Monarch Education Furniture and LapCabby support Operation Orphan and Forget Me Notts by skydiving on September 13th
We are supporting a team member’s wife, Vicky, with a £100 donation for her 10k walk in October, raising money for Cancer Research UK.
Eastpoint donated £100.00 to the Findel Foundation, supporting children’s education, the environment, and community initiatives like breakfast clubs and work experience for over 300 children.
Kayleigh, from our distributor, is walking 100 miles in May for Cancer Research UK. We’re supporting her effort with a £100 donation.
Every child deserves a little magic…
A donation has been made in memory of Yvonne Liddle.
Eastpoint has donated £100 to the Mental Health Foundation.