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Eastpoint Supports the British Heart Foundation

Our vision is a world free form the fear of heart and circulatory diseases. We raise money to research cures and treatments, so we can beat heartbreak forever.

The British Heart Foundation funds over £100 million of research each year into all heart and circulatory diseases and the things that cause them. This includes heart diseases, strokes, vascular dementia, and diabetes.

Heart and circulatory diseases kill 1 in 4 in the UK, so Eastpoint is proud to support this worthy cause and help fund the research of preventions, treatments and cures.

Eastpoint’s defibrillator has also been registered on, the national defibrillator network.

The Circuit is a national database that is replacing local ambulance service defibrillator registers, and allows emergency services to better co-ordinate the use of private workplace defibrillators to enable members of the public to access it in an emergency if needed.

To find out more about the British Heart Foundation, click here>>

To make a donation to the British Heart Foundation, click here>>