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Exhibiting… Mr Show-me!

Over the past couple of weeks, we took Mr Show-me to the NEC Birmingham before flying him off to the Didacta show in Germany. Both were important education exhibitions, but we decided to let Mr Show Me loose.

Everybody loved scribbling all over him, and we got the chance to talk about our amazingly versatile and super-fun teaching aid: Show-me boards. One teacher, who was already using Show-me boards in her classroom, said: “They give pupils the confidence to try – because answers are erasable!”

A secondary school teacher told us that he even used Show-me boards with older pupils for developing mathematical calculations. “It helps mix things up, and gets students to learn in a different way.”

The best part? Show-me boards are helping pupils learn all over the world. We spoke to traders from Nigeria, Germany, Malaysia, Singapore, India, Australia and Spain – to name but a few! Everyone was excited by the simple yet brilliant concept of the Show-me board.

We’re excited. Teachers are excited. Pupils are excited. Find out more about our huge range of boards and accessories at

Show-me stand