Important: A notice must be displayed near your Expert Pouch Laminator for all operators to see.
Failure to follow these guidelines will invalidate your warranty.

Ensure you ALWAYS follow these steps
- Always ensure the sealed end of the pouch is fed into the machine first.
- Always use a good quality laminating pouch; we recommend minimum 200 micron (2 x 100 micron).
- Always use the correct size pouch, allowing a border of approx 3mm all round the document being laminated.
- Always use an Expert Pouch Jacket (one was provided with your Expert™ laminator and more are available to purchase – see below) when laminating small items, odd shaped items or if the item does not fill the pouch. If you do not have an Expert™ Pouch Jacket, you should place a ‘header strip’ of paper at the sealed end of the pouch (see your instruction book for details).
- Always ensure the pouch is fed in straight.
- Always make sure the machine is at the correct temperature ie. the ‘READY’ light is glowing, before trying to laminate.
- Always use the anti-jam reverse switch if, after 10 seconds, the pouch has not emerged from back of machine. If the pouch still does not come out of the machine, switch off, put a notice on machine saying ‘OUT OF ORDER’ and phone the helpline number below.
- Always read and understand the operating instructions book before using the laminator.
- Always, when you have finished laminating, turn the left hand switch to ‘COLD’ and turn the temperature dial down to its coldest setting.Then leave machine to run for at least 15minutes before turning off. This is to avoid ‘flat spots’ on the rollers.

Ensure you NEVER follow these steps
Never feed the pouch into the machine by an open edge – it will jam the machine.
Never use the wrong size pouch, eg Do not laminate an A4 document using an A3 size pouch.
Never use a thick card carrier as this may jam your machine, and your document may not laminate properly. You should be using an Expert™ Pouch Jacket, especially when laminating small or irregular shaped objects.
Never cut pouches up before laminating.
Never laminate anything that is NOT paper based.
Never force a pouch into the laminator, this will cause it to fold and jam the machine. Just feed into the laminator and allow the rollers to pull it through at the set speed.
Never leave the machine switched on if a pouch gets jammed inside (which fails to come out when reverse switch is used) as it may overheat or cause other problems.
Never allow children to use the laminator unsupervised.
Never leave the laminator turned on for long periods of time, and NEVER leave machine unattended when switched on.
Never switch the laminator off immediately after use. (See opposite for instructions).
Never attempt to laminate anything with a total thickness of more then 1mm (1000 micron).
Never attempt to laminate 2 documents back to back. Always laminate a single sheet.
If you have followed the troubleshooting guide and still experience problems with your machine, please phone the please phone the Expert™ laminator helpline on: +44 (0)345 611 8020 or click here.